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    • Best practices for NGO procurement: Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon adopts ProSmart EPM

Best practices for NGO procurement: Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon adopts ProSmart EPM

Hong Kong, February 21, 2020 - Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon (Lok Sin Tong) implemented the e-tendering and e-procurement system of ProSmart EPM to standardize and streamline procurement processes, ensuring best practices to support the non-governmental organization’s wide range of charitable initiatives for the Hong Kong community.

Established in 1880,  Lok Sin Tong is committed to providing quality medical care and free medicine to the needy, providing education to youngsters and more missions. The Society currently operates over 50 subsidiary units across the region to offer a wide spectrum of quality services, including the provision of education, social welfare and medical care.

In order to optimize operational efficiency and obtain the best offers of products and services from the most-fit suppliers, Lok Sin Tong has chosen the software solution of ProSmart, transforming the Society’s paper-based procurement procedures into automated and auditable management. With comprehensive functions and features an NGO would need, the e-tendering system serves as a cloud-based central platform for all the departments of Lok Sin Tong’s subsidiary units to efficiently acquire projects such as renovation for schools, clinics and elderly homes, medical purchase, machine purchase and many more. The all-in-one e-tendering platform also enables procurement users of Lok Sin Tong to search for and compare different suppliers’ past performances effortlessly, and hence significantly reduces time cost and enhances transparency.

Compliance is highly important for charitable organizations to achieve sustainable development by utilizing donations reasonably and effectively. The e-system by ProSmart allows procurement managers to manage procurement in a fair manner by strict control of users’ access rights and tender proposal encryption before the tender submission ends. Having a systematic e-workflow of documentation and approval with easy, centralized online access does not only enhance accuracy and credibility of Lok Sin Tong’s procurement processes, but also provides traceability of auditing and paves the way for the charity’s sustainable development of community services.