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Recognized for outstanding contribution: C&T receives appreciation award from OGCIO
Hong Kong, November 2, 2023 - C&T was honored with an award at the 17th Technology Forum, organized by Smart Government Innovation LAB (Smart LAB) under the Office of The Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) in collaboration with the HKPC, Cyberport and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation.
The certificate of appreciation from OGCIO recognized IT solution providers’ system development support to various projects adopting “iAM Smart”. The Government Chief Information Officer, Mr. Tony Wong expressed gratitude to the solution providers for their contributions in promoting for wider adoption of “iAM Smart” in public services.
The “iAM Smart” mobile app launched in December 2020 and is a one-stop personalized digital services platform that enables users to conveniently log in and use online services through their personal mobile phones. According to the latest Policy Address, the Government aims to Increase the annual usage of “iAM Smart” (total transactions) from 10 million in 2023 to 17.5 million in 2025. The Government intends to provide a one-stop personalized digital services platform by fully adopting "iAM Smart" to be a “single portal for online government services”.
C&T has supported multiple government bureaus and departments with “iAM Smart” integration and provided system development, Security Risk Assessment and Audit (SRAA), and privacy impact assessment (PIA) services to “iAM Smart”-enabled online services. As an established IT solutions provider with proven track records serving the Government, C&T intends to continue contributing to this important initiative. We also look forward to opportunities to leverage our experience to extend the “iAM Smart” adaption to other public and private organizations.