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    • HKIHRM Annual Conference 2018: C&T introduces mobile workforce management solution

HKIHRM Annual Conference 2018: C&T introduces mobile workforce management solution

Hong Kong, November 29, 2018 - Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) Annual Conference and Exhibition 2018 ended in success on Nov 28. As the Gold Sponsor aiming to promote the industry’s development, C&T joined the exhibition and held a well-received seminar with McDonald’s Hong Kong on transforming workforce management.

HKIHRM Annual Conference and Exhibition 2018 took place on November 27-28 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. The two-day event attracted more than 1,700 HR professionals from different industries. At the company’s exhibition booth crowded with guests, the C&T team introduced C&T WFM through live demonstration and had valuable exchange with industry practitioners, partners and customers.

On the second day of the event, C&T held a seminar with McDonald’s Hong Kong on the trend of HR management in the digital age and how to transform workforce management, and invited Erik Kwok, Vice President (Research and Development) of C&T, and Danny Chan, Senior Manager (Human Resources) of McDonald’s Hong Kong, as guest speakers. The seminar attracted over a hundred guests from retail, hospitality and various other industries.

Danny mentioned that the fast food industry and retail industry are facing substantial HR challenges because of the wide range of age groups and their capabilities and expectations. This makes it hard for management to arrange employees’ working schedules, retain talents, etc, and advancement in technological solutions provides the way for companies to centralize and manage employees’ data, which greatly enhances data analysis and strategic planning. Erik also raised that besides fulfilling management’s needs, a comprehensive HR system also should be able to reduce the workload of the HR department and enhance the using experience of employees. Erik, who has years of research and development experience for multiple markets and industries, emphasized that HR management has gone through its offline-to-online transformation, and mobility is the key trend for the upcoming future.

This annual HR conference provided a great platform for C&T to introduce HR professionals to the latest C&T WFM application and its integration with IPL HRMS and Platinum HRM, and to understand the latest needs of the industry. With encouraging response from the guests, C&T looks forward to enhanced connection with industry practitioners.