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    • C&T has been honored with the “10 Years+ Partner Employer Award” by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business (HKGCSMB).


C&T has been honored with the “10 Years+ Partner Employer Award” by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business (HKGCSMB).

Hong Kong, November 12, 2024 - We are proud to announce that C&T has been honored with the “10 Years+ Partner Employer Award” by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business (HKGCSMB). This esteemed recognition underscores our dedication to providing employment opportunities for individuals from various backgrounds, including those with disabilities, ethnic minorities, rehabilitated individuals, retrained professionals, and retirees.

At C&T, we believe that social responsibility is paramount, and we are committed to fostering a more inclusive and harmonious society. We look forward to continuing our work in making a meaningful difference in our community.