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C&T seminar on e-procurement: ProSmart shares strategic procurement transformation
Hong Kong, November 22, 2023 - The C&T seminar "Essential Procurement Strategies" seminar was successfully conducted on November 17. Experienced practitioners shared digital transformation trends for procurement, regulatory compliance, and sustainable procurement with over 30 procurement industry professionals.
The seminar started with Mr. Felix Lee, Head of Corporate and Supplies and Administration of Towngas, sharing his views on driving innovation in procurement and how C&T’s procurement management software ProSmart enhances procurement and compliance processes for Towngas. In the technology sharing session, Mr. Tommy Choi, Head of Enterprise Procurement Management of C&T Software (HK) and Mr. Kevin Choi, Senior Business Development Manager - Public Sector of Amazon Web Services explained the long-term benefits of e-procurement and ProSmart’s process automation and how AWS cloud services can help improve compliance, decision-making and efficiency.
The seminar provided an interactive occasion for procurement and IT practitioners to better understand the relationship between sustainable procurement and procurement digitization. Participants gained valuable insights to enhance their procurement processes and drive business success.