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    • Effective use of enhanced TVP funding: Digitizing HR operations with IPL HRMS

Effective use of enhanced TVP funding: Digitizing HR operations with IPL HRMS

Hong Kong, 17 April 2020 - From April 1, 2020, the Government has further enhanced the Technology Voucher Programme (TVP), including raising each applicant’s funding ceiling from HK$400,000 to HK$600,000, each applicant’s project total limit from four to six, and each project’s funding ratio from two-thirds to three-quarters. For businesses that have been looking for reliable HR management digitization, engaging IPL HRMS’ market-trusted software solution and TVP consultation is the way to making effective use of the enhanced funding to improve their business operation and competitiveness.

Since the launch of TVP in 2016 by the Innovation and Technology Commission, businesses in industries of keen competition, such as AEC (architecture, engineering & construction), catering, education and financing, have successfully upgraded their HR management and obtained the TVP subsidy with IPL HRMS’ one-stop service, amounting to nearly HK$800,000 in total project value.

Among those successful applicants engaging IPL HRMS, Keio E&M Engineering Co., Ltd. (Keio) as an early TVP adopter was granted a subsidy amount close to the HK$200,000 ceiling in 2017 through the IPL HRMS team’s consultation and coordination. With this government subsidy, the established MEP (electrical, mechanical and plumbing) service provider successfully digitized their industry-specific payroll and leave management with operational efficiency and data accuracy, reduced over 20% of paper consumption, and accelerated communication among HR, in-house and onsite staffs. Click here for Keio’s full story.

Now is the best timing to invest in information technology for the unique needs of your business. To know more about TVP, IPL HRMS or other C&T software and services eligible for funding, please contact us.

C&T software and services covered in TVP funding: