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Retail & Distribution
With installation more than 3,000 retail outlets and over 20 countries worldwide, C&T has a proven track records in serving customers all-over-the world including international retail brands, listed companies and brand agencies in respective industries. Our customers include Aigle, Burberry, Coach, Giorgio Armani, Gucci, Imaginex Group, Lane Crawford, nautica, Nike, Wan Kee Group, etc.
Eu Yan Sang deployed IPL HRMS to replace its aged system for human resources management.
Jebsen & Co launched the iAppraisal online module of IPL HRMS to automate administrative work and reduce paper work.
LiFung Trinity (Management) Limited implemented the web-based iLeave module of IPL HRMS to enhance leave management efficiency.
Nike and ImagineX adopted ChainStorePlus ERM in multi-location stores for enhanced stock enquiry and other important sales operations.